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VVDN helps organizations build, deploy, scale, orchestrate, manage and monitor containerized applications with Kubernetes clusters in public, private or complex environments. We have expertise in defining and integrating different components including the master node, worker node, Kubernetes controller manager, Ingress network, cloud controller manager, kube-apiserver, and kube-scheduler. With strong service availability, we focus on performing regular health checks, load balancing, perform optimization to meet SLA promises, and traffic routing to balance the resources quickly during traffic that helps streamline operations and enhance resource efficiency. Having security as the primary focus, we deploy industry best practices and align with security controls to restrict, monitor, audit, and approve access.


Cloud Managed Services Architecting the robust clusters
Cloud Managed Services Logging and monitoring clusters
Cloud Managed Services Horizontal and vertical autoscaling to manage dynamic workloads
Cloud Managed Services Automating schedules, rollouts, rollbacks, and upgrades
Cloud Managed Services Building highly available clusters
Cloud Managed Services Self-healing, patching, and redundancy
Cloud Managed Services Cluster and OS hardening
Cloud Managed Services Extract maximum cost efficiency from the infrastructure

Giving customers true cloud mobility by deploying across all platforms

Managed 24*7 cluster services

Good understanding of cloud-specific kubernetes environment including EKS, AKS, GKE

End to end managed solution from monitoring to operations

Kubernetes operational efficiency and cost optimization

Highly qualified, talented, and certified team